If you have a Flexible Spending Account or Health Savings Account, you deduct money from your paycheck all year into that account to use for all types of health expenses. In addition, these are tax-free dollars that you can use on much more than just a teeth cleaning, including a state-of-the-art digital eye exam, prescription glasses and sunglasses from top brands like Ray-Ban and Chanel, contact lenses and more.
Yes, you read that right: You can use your Flex/HSA allowance to buy new designer glasses and sunglasses. And if you don’t spend your Flex Spending Account allowance (and some Health Savings Account allowance) by the end of the year, you lose it! So why not use the money you’ve already spent on an incredible new look from dozens of designer brands, including brands that are exclusive to Ragsdale & Martin Optical?
Did you know RMO is the only Chanel retailer in East Texas? Did you know RMO has its own brand, Mike & Martin eyewear, that you can only get in East Texas? Use your Flex/HSA allowance on these great options and more.
Need a rundown? Use your Flex Spending Plan/Health Savings Account allowance on:
- Digital Eye Exams
- Frames
- Digital Lenses
- Designer Eyewear
- Free Frame adjustments
- Contacts
How do you get started getting a crystal clear new prescription and fresh new designer eyewear using your Flex/HSA allowance? Stop by or call Ragsdale & Martin Optical!